Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh Hellos! [UPDATED!]

Hi! :)

When I've got some extra time in my hands, I like to sketch, pop my earphones into my ears and start listening to music, play some games, and maybe watch some music videos.

I really love people who are fun and nice and smile all the time. haha.

Oh yes, my best friends, and all my other friends, are like No.1 on my favourite things list :)
I'm not a really complex person, and I'd really prefer solitude to big crowds or gatherings,
its not that I am anti-social, but I don't think i mix around well.

My family name is M-u-n. yea :D Pronounced the way you say sun.
And I really do not like it when people say m-o-o-n.

I'm about 1.67 or maybe 1.68? I really don't know. It's been about a year since I last checked.
You probably won't find my head sticking out of nowhere blocking your view at the cinema. haha

My parents call me Willy at home.
I kinda got that name when I was a baby, and that name stuck.
When I was still a little crawling baby, I laughed whenever my parents talk about Free Willy, or when the Free Willy movie promo played on TV.
So my parents gave me my pet name, Willy.
Oh yes, I know its also the name of a sensitive part of the male anatomy,
but it doesn't really matter to me.
Not funny.

I love a lot of things.
I like yellow.
Red Too.
Mild Pink..
Baby Blue...
I enjoy small surprises now and then...
I'd imagine my dream bedroom with black walls and little lights in the ceiling...
I really like the F1 GP
Michael Schumacher is one of my BIGGEST idols.
Felipe Massa drives pretty well too.
I'm obsessed with Taylor Swift's songs.
My first ever favourite band was U2, it still is.
My first ever favourite female singer was Jasmine Leong 静茹.
The title is now succeeded by Taylor Swift.
My first ever favourite male singer was Jason Mraz. Still is!

I'm a lover of sorbets.

I think kids are really cool :)
Kids are fragile human beings that require plenty of care. (:
So I'm really inspired to run my own chain of preschools to provide them with a holistic education and a good start in life.

I only draw monochrome sketches. I can't draw coloured pictures, and I guess it is correlated to my personality. I see things black and white (i'm not colourblind), so there's no gray to me...

I grew up in a middle-class family
in a middle-class environment,
But I've been to a really great school :)
I'm not gonna tell you where yet haha.
Oh yes, I'm a proud citizen of the Lion City.

I really love black and white sketches and photography.
I keep a blue file which has all the sketches i have done.

When i was young, my first dream ambition was to be an artist.
Then I wanted to be a Pilot. I had a flair for flying. Too bad my eyes didn't do me good.
Then I didn't know what I wanted to do...
And now i have settled to become either and entrepreneur or a psychologist...:)

I like sarcastic people sometimes, and people who have a great sense of humour.
And I can handle stressful and tense situations pretty well, and I'm quite proud of that.
I like people who can do that too. haha.

I always think people are honest with me.

I'm pretty paranoid sometimes. haha

Sometimes its hard for me to make decisions, but give me some time, I'd make the right one :)

I do not want to imagine myself with a bald head.

I like things to be organised. I'm pretty organised at school. My locker's neat. :) But, at home, my other personality exposes itself haha. I'm really untidy at home, but I still can find my things. So, that's great. :)

I type pretty fast too.

I cherish the times when i can just laze around. Times like that don't come often...

I enjoy thinking, and analysing, probably too much sometimes. (oh, paranoia).
I'd like people who like me too. haha

Before I forget, this is yongliang speaking. [:


Blogger jsquaredtm said...

lol - why you post it here :P

November 9, 2008 at 9:03 PM  

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